Version 1.4.7
Release 25 February 2021
+ WebUI: fixed issue where the save login option is not accessible
+ WebUI: move the settings button to the left
+ WebUI: allow setting the startup dashboard (same as native UI rendering)
+ NEW: add support for visible attributes for views
+ fixed app crash when trying to create a new user
+ updated Google libraries

Version 1.4.6
Release date: 15 January 2021
+ NEW: support for image header and footer attribute in groups
+ NEW: add support for multiwindow
+ NEW: headset sensor state (report if Headset is plugged in or not)
+ NEW: added connectivity sensor
+ Fixed display issues for group views
+ Fixed infinite loading issues during startup
+ Fixed issue when background running option is not correctly starting
+ updated Estonian translation
+ memory management improvements

Version 1.4.5
Release date: 8 January 2021
+ NEW: added Estonian translation (thank you Repsionu)
+ NEW: add use internal IP option
+ fixed indefinite loading issue
+ scroll media title in media_player extended info
+ updated build tools and libraries

Version 1.4.4
Release date: 4 January 2021
+ NEW: display custom mini-media-player card as default media player
+ add unit_of_measurement for battery sensor when sending info via MQTT
+ fixed incorrect entity icon display
+ fixed issue where the Camera streaming is not showing correctly
+ added input date / time card when using system generated lovelace config
+ fixed month calendar choosing issue for input date / time entities
+ fixed issue when Lovelace config is not retrieved on older HA versions
+ other fixes and improvements

Version 1.4.3
Release date: 1 January 2021
+ NEW: Assistant mode (launch Ariela by long-pressing the Home key button)
+ NEW: Ariela Quick Launch setting to allow showing even when the phone is locked
+ NEW: Add Android Wear app install button the Ariela Settings
+ Fixed issue when the background mode is not activated

Version 1.4.2
Release date:  31 December 2020
+ NEW: ability to use Home Assistant server with services as DuckDNS
+ NEW: added quick launch option entities display selection
+ NEW: added quick launch link on how to enable the function
+ NEW: added option to select the items visible on the Android Wear Watch
+ small UI changes
+ fixed app crash at startup
+ fixed memory leaks of current application settings
+ better Android Wear communication

Version 1.4.0
Release date:  28 December 2020
+ NEW: add possibility to change server from splash screen
+ NEW: add possibility to change dashboards
+ NEW: add possibility to set device name during initial setup
+ NEW: add entities search capabilities in the widget add screen
+ NEW: support toggling light entities from widgets
+ NEW: support toggling media player entities from widgets
+ NEW: redesign setup screens
+ NEW: support for entity lovelace card
+ NEW: support for button lovelace card
+ NEW: support for show_forecast flag in the weather-forecast cards
+ fixed setup issue when switching from http <-> https server
+ removed permanent notification
+ improved loading time
+ fixed switch server issue
+ fixed retrieving server URL issue
+ Lovelace thermostat card UI improvements
+ fixed issues with updating widgets states
+ weather-forecast card UI updates
+ Lovelace alarm card small UI updates
+ removed deprecated HANotify component support (use only mobile_app notifications instead)
+ show loading screen when trying to retrieve notifications

Release date:  01 Octomber 2020
+ updated google libraries
+ small UI updates
+ better lovelace parsing

Release date: 19 December 2019
+ NEW: added custom message that force the alarm sensor updates
+ fixed Roku card issue when the button is visible
+ fixed setup issue when the wifi name is not populated
+ fixed issue when the notification items data produces TransactionTooLargeException
+ add support for device_class timestamp sensors
+ updated Google libraries

Release date: 27 November 2019
+ NEW: Wifi IP address device tracking
+ NEW: add setting to keep MQTT session independent of HA server
+ NEW: add possibility to trigger device tracker updates remotely
+ fixed issue when graphs decimal values are longer
+ fixed issue when graphs values & timestamps are not visible
+ fixed issue when internal IP is not used when home AP it’s detected
+ small other optimizations

Release date: 21 November 2019
+ NEW: add possibility to hide a view in Ariela (eg: show only certain views on kids phones)
+ NEW: add possibility to trigger battery sensor updates from HA via mobile_app notifications
+ NEW: add WiFi selection possibility in the setup process
+ fixed crash when entering Settings
+ fixed issue with Android 10 device unable to add custom certificates
+ more work on slider entity custom card
+ small UI changes in notification items
+ small UI changes in shopping list
+ updated Google libraries

Release date: 19 November 2019
+ NEW: Lovelace view editor
+ NEW: show notifications badge count
+ NEW: add settings to set the alignment of the tabs (top or bottom)
+ NEW: automatically reload Lovelace changes to match current config
+ fixed issue where badges cannot be extracted
+ fixed slider entity issue when setting light brightness
+ move Patreon button to about app section

Release date: 14 November 2019
+ NEW: background view support with beautiful parallax animation
+ NEW: move view tabs to the bottom
+ fixed color issue when dark mode enabled in the notifications area
+ fixed issue when loading local images
+ updated Russian localization
+ updated Google libraries
+ smoother loading experience when using WebUi mode

Release date: 13 November 2019
+ NEW: Bignumber custom Lovelace card support
+ bump down Android version requirement to 4.0
+ add social links to about section of the app
+ add translation link to about section of the app
+ do not keep any settings in the case of app uninstall
+ updated Google libraries
+ fixed issue where Light entity info doesn’t update
+ fixed app crash when sending alarm requests

Release date: 7 November 2019
+ NEW: Light Entity custom Lovelace card support
+ small changes regarding some entities default icons
+ SliderEntity row card slider position fix
+ hide alarm code entry if no code its required
+ Lovelace Alarm Card improvements
+ changed default firebase notification icon to Home Assistant logo
+ fixed issue when logs file not created on Android 10 devices
+ improved climate advanced options UI
+ fixed crash when tracking lovelace Light card slider
+ fixed microphone sensor crash when sending update
+ better notification compatibility with Dark Mode when enabled in the system
+ add support for “mm” unit of measurement graphs
+ updated Google libraries

Release date: 4 November 2019
+ NEW: password protected settings
+ NEW: add HVAC buttons in thermostat Lovelace cards
+ add support for effect change for light entities
+ fixed xiaomi vacuum card info display issue
+ gray out device tracker / persons with status not_home
+ custom slider card improvements
+ change Settings screen to AndroidX compatible
+ fixed issue where groups cannot be turned off / on

Release date: 29 Octomber 2019
+ NEW: dark gray theme
+ NEW: new about screen implementation
+ fixed microphone sensor crash when enabling
+ added support for Dark Theme in notifications area
+ small UI changes
+ updated Google libraries

Release date: 24 Octomber 2019
+ check if microphone is available on system
+ microphone sensor updates improvements

Release date: 24 Octomber 2019
+ NEW: subscription based donations
+ NEW: silence detector sensor
+ NEW: dB sensor (laudness)
+ NEW: clap detector sensor
+ increase gauge card size
+ better compatibility with android 4.1 devices

Release date: 21 Octomber 2019
+ Fixed crash when entering settings on Android 10 devices
+ added support for graph with “L” measurement
+ fixed issue when entity images starts with “local/”
+ fixed covers button color scheme

Release date: 16 Octomber 2019
+ Fixed device tracker issues with Android 10 devices
+ NEW: support for custom:vertical-stack-in-card
+ NEW: history-card Lovelace card support
+ NEW: xiaomi-vacuum custom card Lovelace support
+ NEW: added option to disable unsupported cards message
+ fixed climate view rendering issue when thermostat state is unknown
+ fixed climate advanced option crash
+ show history for entities with unit of measurement a, v, kWh
+ improved graph rendering details
+ updated Google libraries
+ other fixes

Release date: 9 Octomber 2019
+ NEW: custom_card:battery-entity support
+ NEW: compile & set target to Android 10
+ NEW: chart renderer implementation
+ fixed weather card invalid main image issue
+ display custom:weather-card as default weather card
+ improvements of logs when DEBUG mode enabled
+ minor slider-entity-row fixes
+ fixed invalid accuracy device tracker issue
+ fixed sensor Lovelace issue where the graph parameter is not considered
+ UI color improvements

Release date: 1 Octomber 2019
+ NEW: custom_card:ROKU support
+ NEW: custom_card:slider-entity-row support
+ NEW: custom:thermostat-card is displayed as thermostat card
+ updated Google libraries
+ minor fixes
+ minor UI changes regarding switches

Release date: 23 September 2019
+ NEW: added unsupported Lovelace card view
+ minor UI changes to markdown Lovelace card
+ fixed issue when conditional card space is shown
+ fixed issue when the conditional card is still shown
+ show tabs name in uppercase

Release date: 16 September 2019
+ NEW: added setting to ignore WiFi & Zones to rely on GPS data only
+ fixed issue where zone & wifi settings cannot be saved
+ updated Google libraries

Release date: 9 September 2019
+ disable HANotify firebase notifications in mobile_app is supported
+ show thermostat Lovelace card update in realtime
+ improved badges rendering when running on tablets
+ enable Lovelace UI by default when the first run
+ added setting option to disable mobile_app push notifications for a device
+ rearrange notification settings
+ fixed weather card image issue loading
+ updated google libraries
+ small other fixes

Release date: 6 September 2019
+ fixed weather card image issue loading
+ updated google libraries
+ small other fixes

Release date: 3 September 2019
+ NEW: motion detection sensor when using MJPEG streaming
+ NEW: added enable flash option when using MJPEG streaming
+ fixed issue when scroll to refresh option can’t be disabled
+ display Lovelace title if available instead of “Dashboard”
+ improved MJPEG stream capabilities
+ fixed device tracker wifi issue when the default home wifi is not assigned to the home zone

Release date: 28 August 2019
+ NEW: device tracker priority setting
+ NEW: Chinese localization
+ NEW: added new “time” attribute to NFC sensor
+ NEW: add the possibility to choose server at startup
+ fixed setup issue when 2FA cannot be processed
+ fixed issue while loading local entity pictures
+ improved server connection while Ariela not running in the background
+ improved server connection with HTTP (not https)
+ fixed issue where device name gets reset
+ improved device tracker wifi mode

Release date: 19 August 2019
+ NEW: Speech recognizer MQTT / Mobile_app sensor
+ NEW: Home Assistant error log retrieval screen
+ NEW: added settings quick access button when using web ui
+ NEW: added setting option to disable / enable quick settings button
+ fixed startup issue when device screen is off
+ fixed issue when mobile_app registration do not happens
+ fixed crash when setting up mqtt
+ fixed issue when connecting for lower Android versions
+ updated Google libraries

Release date: 13 August 2019
+ NEW: Added option to set startup page (tab) when using Web UI
+ fixed invalid MJPEG streaming option description
+ updated Google libraries
+ fixed MJPEG crash while streaming
+ add camera permission check when enabling MJPEG streaming
+ fixed crash when pressing the widgets
+ added toast when an error occur when pressing widgets
+ fixed enabling groups issue in Lovelace entities card

Release date: 8 August 2019
+ NEW: Build in MJPEG front & back camera streaming
+ NEW: French localization
+ fixed mobile_app location update issue

Release date: 2 August 2019
+ NEW: added proximity sensor
+ NEW: added accelerometer sensor (state of the sensor will be device orientation)
+ NEW: added distance setting between GPS locations
+ Fixed camera streaming issue
+ Fixed crash app when sending toggle requests
+ Updated google libraries

Release date: 29 July 2019
+ NEW: add notification settings
+ fixed display issue when system set dark (night) theme is set
+ add support for setting fan mode in climate entities
+ add support for setting swing mode in climate entities

Release date: 25 July 2019
+ add support for climate HA changes from 0.96
+ add home zone if missing in wifi & zones
+ optimized setting temperature in Lovelace thermostat card
+ optimized setting light in Lovelace light card
+ updated Russian localization
+ updated Google libraries
+ fixed input speed setting issue
+ fixed Lovelace map card crash issue

Release date: 19 July 2019
+ NEW: WiFi & Zone assigment device tracker feature
+ NEW: MQTT & mobile_app device screen status sensor
+ removed home wifi setting (replaced by WiFi & Zone assigment)
+ fixed entities device name invalid display
+ use dynamic allocated client name for MQTT connection

Release date: 17 July 2019
+ NEW: Lovelace MAP card support
+ device_tracker: send any location if accuracy is set to zero
+ update Google libraries

Release date: 11 July 2019
+ NEW: show dialog how to return to Ariela menu when enabling web UI
+ fixed notification streaming same file issue
+ fixed widgets & notification item click issue
+ fixed issue when thermostat Lovelace card name not showed
+ fixed multiple commands send in climate settings & media control
+ show current source in media control
+ fixed step counter sensor crash issue
+ fixed media player sound mode setting issue
+ minor UI changes
+ update Google libraries

Release date: 9 July 2019
+ NEW: add possibility to change application language
+ NEW: open stream cameras from push notifications
+ fixed 405 error when handling widgets
+ check if VPN is currently active when retrieving server URL
+ updated Russian localization
+ fixed device_tracker updating even if its disabled
+ reset step counter sensor value after detecting day change
+ fixed camera rendering issue in picture entity Lovelace card

Release date: 5 July 2019
+ NEW: VPN Mode setting (if this mode is enabled, internal IP address is used for connection)
+ NEW: entity registry tools
+ NEW: Heart Rate MQTT / Mobile_app sensor
+ NEW: Heart Rate MQTT / Mobile_app Android Wear Sensor
+ fixed issue when markdown card url are not opened
+ fixed issue when gauge card name is not showing properly
+ fixed issue when Wear battery sensor registered incorrectly
+ small UI changes

Release date: 3 July 2019
+ NEW: added setting to allow Ariela run in background or not
+ NEW: support for markdown language in Markdown Lovelace card
+ NEW: support for markdown language in notifications
+ improved widgets usage
+ allow arming / disarming alarms when no code is required
+ fixed issue when history graph is not showing for some entities
+ moved home WiFi networks setting to device tracker entry
+ moved auto reconnect setting to server connection entry

Release date: 1 July 2019
+ NEW: support for counter entities
+ updated Google libraries
+ fixed map zone radius display issue
+ fixed issue when entities do not appear on map
+ improved HFP / A2DP sensors sending information’s
+ fixed crash when retrieving device tracking name
+ do now show group switch if group name is null or empty string

Release date: 27 June 2019
+ NEW: GPS accuracy setting (do not send GPS location if accuracy in meters is less then a set value)
+ fixed issue when updating mobile_app sensor
+ make badges icons smaller
+ fixed icon loading issue in sensor lovelace card
+ minor UI changes to sensor lovelace card
+ change PRO app name from Ariela PRO to Ariela

Release date: 25 June 2019
+ show the SSL webview dialog only once
+ updated Russian localization
+ hide Android Wear battery sensor is no Android Wear device is available
+ fixed issue where entity name is not shown
+ fixed weather entities status icon loading issue
+ fixed HFP / A2DP sensors issue where the location is not send
+ fixed crash when trying to edit an entity attributes

Release date: 21 June 2019
+ NEW: Android Wear battery sensor
+ fixed Ariela crash when adding widgets
+ fixed issue where the device tracker wifi can’t be set
+ fixed incorrect MQTT sensors setup instructions
+ removed force android wear credentials option since this is not needed anymore
+ fixed TTS sensor loading issue
+ fixed cover disabled arrows issue

Release date: 19 June 2019
+ updated google libraries
+ NEW: added force_image notification parameter
+ Android Wear connection improvements
+ small other fixes

Release date: 18 June 2019
+ updated Dutch localization
+ allow opening web links from entity current state
+ start camera streaming when clicking picture entity card and entity is camera
+ force device tracker update when enabling
+ now mobile_app device tracker can update even if Ariela is stopped
+ add default_view when missing in states UI
+ NEW: support all weather entities in states UI
+ NEW: create Lovelace from states UI when HA server reports no config
+ device_tracker WiFi reports source type as “router”

Release date: 13 June 2019
+ NEW: device tracker mobile app support
+ NEW: add ability to use device tracker with both see service or mobile app
+ fixed device tracker lat / long issue

Release date: 12 June 2019
+ NEW: support for camera streaming
+ update Russian localization
+ updated German localization
+ fixed incorrect cover icon when device_class is garage
+ small UI changes
+ fixed device tracker crash

Release date: 11 June 2019
+ NEW: added option to vibrate when toggling switches, buttons etc
+ NEW: added option to vibrate when clicking on widgets
+ updated Russian localization
+ fixed device tracker issue loading even if disabled
+ fixed issue where user can’t enter sensors screen if MQTT is not enabled
+ added information dialog when forcing mobile_app on device

Release date: 10 June 2019
+ NEW: support Mobile APP sensors
+ NEW: moved sensors from MQTT to the main settings since sensors aren’t MQTT only now
+ NEW: support opening url in notifications
+ change MQTT dev tool button text to publish
+ change “Mobile API notification” text to “Mobile APP notification”

Release date: 4 June 2019
+ NEW: added MQTT publish retain option
+ NEW: added option to force the Mobile App integration
+ better compatibility with OS Night Mode

Release date: 3 June 2019
+ rework on UI items (in order to show properly color schemes)
+ fixed crash when showing vacuum entity information’s
+ fixed text overlap in entity dialog info

Release date: 30 May 2019
+ remove quotes in wifi mqtt sensor ssid
+ fixed invalid battery mqtt sensor icon display
+ setup screen UI changes and simplification
+ other UI changes
+ hardware accelerated UI drawing

Release date: 27 May 2019
+ NEW: MQTT Notification grabber (send notifications info from other apps to Home Assistant)
+ fixed crash when device tracker name can’t be retrieved
+ other fixes

Release date: 23 May 2019
+ NEW: support for Lovelace Picture card
+ NEW: added option to enable / disable scroll down refresh in Web Ui
+ NEW: add possibility to set the horizontal-stack card number of visible items
+ fixed invalid thermostat command send when changing values
+ fixed invalid cover grayed out buttons
+ fixed entity-button icon
+ small device tracker improvements
+ small UI changes

Release date: 17 May 2019
+ Changed badges UI look
+ small other UI changes
+ Fixed Mobile App notification event issue
+ fixed mobile_app typo

Release date: 14 May 2019
+ update Russian localization
+ updated Google libraries
+ show time when notifications are received
+ reduced internet data consumption

Release date: 10 May 2019
+ NEW: multi HA server support
+ added mobile_api notification instruction
+ fixed weather card invalid display & crash
+ fixed gauge card display issue
+ updated Google libraries

Release date: 8 May 2019
+ mobile_app integration
+ mobile_app notifications
+ fixed weather lovelace card crash

Release date: 7 May 2019
+ allow changing icons in Firebase notifications
+ fixed MQTT crash when cleaning up resources
+ small UI changes

Release date: 3 May 2019
+ Web UI swipe improvements
+ added setting option to disable Web UI tabs change by swap left / right
+ scroll title of Lovelace gauge cards
+ fixed Lovelace Gauge card display issue
+ updated Google libraries
+ small UI changes

Release date: 2 May 2019
+ NEW: added swipe support for Web UI mode & Lovelace
+ fixed crash of climate details activity
+ fixed display issue of Gauge lovelace cards

Release date: 25 April 2019
+ updated Spanish localization
+ NEW: ability to show entity state in notification
+ disabled swipe to refresh option in the webview mode

Release date: 24 April 2019
+ NEW: webview mode: added possibility to refresh page (reload)
+ added ability to scroll badges in order to fit more items
+ fixed Fan speed selection issue
+ other UI changes

Release date: 23 April 2019
+ fixed media player entity display issue
+ fixed issue with front camera detection
+ set show_header_toggle to true if not set
+ NEW: Spanish localization

Release date: 22 April 2019
+ updated MQTT sesors configuration
+ updated Portuguese localization
+ updated German localization

Release date: 3 April 2019
+ NEW: added states developer option
+ changed the add items text from notifications
+ fixed application power drain issue

Release date: 2 April 2019
+ NEW: support for json_attributes_topic
+ fixed issue when displaying time on weather lovelace card
+ fixed connection failed issue
+ updated German localization
+ updated Russian localization

Release date: 1 April 2019
+ NEW: support for weather-forecast lovelace card
+ NEW: added option to select MQTT camera resolution

Release date: 29 March 2019
+ NEW: new option that will use internal IP for connection when device connected to a home wifi
+ NEW: added option to choose boot start mode (background / foreground)
+ show toast with the NFC tag send
+ fixed crash when showing climate controls
+ fixed IFrame lovelace card display issue
+ use default language for TTS

Release date: 27 March 2019
+ NEW: support for loading user custom certificates (PCKS + NGINX support)
+ updated Poland localization
+ updated Dutch localization
+ updated Russian localization

Release date: 25 March 2019
+ updated German localization
+ NEW: added Portuguese localization
+ fixed connection issue while setting up external access
+ updated Russian localization
+ reset user wifi when using logout
+ NEW: support for weblink views
+ fixed variable entities type rendering issues

Release date: 22 March 2019
+ NEW: support for Nabu Casa server connection
+ fixed application crash at startup
+ add user agent to web login
+ support for Baidu TTS
+ updated Polish localization

Release date: 21 March 2019
+ improved device tracker updates period
+ improved widgets response
+ NEW: show confirm logout dialog (usefull for accidental press)

Release date: 20 March 2019
+ fixed issue with sending MQTT step counter data
+ fixed badges issue when the image is not properly displayed
+ other improvements

Release date: 18 March 2019
+ automatically generate device name if none set
+ add support for entities with SVG icon / entity_picture
+ NEW: support for plant entities
+ NEW: Lovelace Plant card support

Release date: 15 March 2019
+ fixed display issue with Sun & yr_symbol entities in badges
+ show Person entities as device tracker one in badges
+ NEW: add option to auto-start Ariela after application update
+ show picture not available when can’t retrieve camera image
+ fixed crash when updating notification
+ updated German localization

Release date: 14 March 2019
+ NEW: support for timer entities
+ fix display of entities when no name is specified
+ fixed showing internal IP in settings
+ fixed picture entity display issue

Release date: 13 March 2019
+ add possibility to scroll content while setup (useful for small display)
+ fixed showing current thermostat state
+ fixed issue when not all items are shown in MQTT setup screen
+ added Russian localization
+ small UI improvements

Release date: 12 March 2019
+ updated German localization
+ fixed gray out issue with picture-entity cards
+ NEW: added Bluetooth HFP MQTT sensor
+ NEW: added Bluetooth A2DP MQTT sensor

Release date: 11 March 2019
+ fixed crash when not web client installed
+ fixed crash of TTS MQTT when initializing.
+ fixed setup issue when having ‘/’ at end of HA IP
+ add option to make Horizontal Stack card behave or not as vertical
+ update norwegian localization

Release date: 8 March 2019
+ fixed displaying picture-glance cards when no entities are set
+ add ability to change local HA IP address
+ move the configure external option to Settings -> Server connection
+ small update in availability MQTT sensor

Release date: 7 March 2019
+ NEW: ability to show and control entities in notification bar
+ small UI changes

Release date: 6 March 2019
+ NEW: added Ariela last seen sensor
+ NEW: added option to start Ariela at boot
+ small ui changes
+ fixed sending negative steps counter

Release date: 5 March 2019
+ added Swedish localization
+ fixed front mqtt camera orientation issue
+ NEW: support for switching on / off lovelace entities card
+ hide VR menu button if Google Voice Recognition not available

Release date: 4 March 2019
+ NEW: add possibility to change server read / connect timeout
+ NEW: next alarm MQTT sensor
+ fixed payload MQTT retrive issue
+ fixed MQTT apps run kodi example issue
+ support for payload_template on MQTT calls
+ fixed settings crash while changing orientation
+ fixed build in MQTT client while disconnecting
+ fixed crash of conditional card

Release date: 1 March 2019
+ fixed Battery sensor invalid icon issue
+ NEW: conditional lovelace card support
+ fixed MQTT camera rotation issue
+ fixed light lovelace card slider max value
+ updated german localization

Release date: 28 February 2019
+ NEW: MQTT Text to Speech (TTS) support
+ fixed picture glance background issue when camera is set
+ show entity names on one line only
+ fixed crash when entering settings
+ fixed firebase registration issue
+ webview mode back button improvements

Release date: 27 February 2019
+ fixed MQTT front camera retrieve issue
+ fixed MQTT back camera retrieve issue
+ fixed light card brightness set issue
+ NEW: support for person entities
+ fixed picture entity camera image retrieval
+ NEW: stream camera support
+ do not gray out picture entity image if having camera

Release date: 26 February 2019
+ redesign Settings screen
+ improve thermostat card slider touch behaviour
+ improve light card slider touch behaviour
+ fixed negative step counter sensor value
+ small UI changes
+ change wear app name to “Ariela”
+ added option (forced) to send credentials to wear app

Release date: 25 February 2019
+ fixed picture glance image display issue
+ do not show tabs when having just one item view
+ do not show shopping list if not enabled in Home Assistant
+ reset step counter value after 24h
+ update german localization

Release date: 24 February 2019
+ CAMERA permission introduced (only used when enabled MQTT camera)
+ NEW: MQTT Front camera (send image from front camera to Home Assistant)
+ NEW: MQTT Back camera (send image from back camera to Home Assistant)
+ gray out picture entity card image when entity state is off
+ fix tap action issue with picture entity cards

Release date: 22 February 2019
+ NEW: added build in MQTT client
+ added german localization
+ optimize the auto-reconnect option
+ change MQTT battery sensor icon according to charging status
+ apply app theme to server configuration screens

Release date: 21 February 2019
+ NEW: Dark Green theme
+ apply progress theme color for thermostat / light lovelace cards
+ apply chart color based on the theme selected (sensor lovelace card)
+ small UI updates in thermostat advanced controls
+ ui updates in the MQTT sensors screen
+ fixed device tracker issue when device name ended with “_”

Release date: 20 February 2019
+ do not show measurement in badges status
+ states UI: do not show hidden entities as badges
+ minor UI changes to MQTT sensors activity
+ glance card: handle show name attribute
+ glance card: handle columns attribute
+ glance card: handle show_status attribute
+ entity filter card: fix display issue
+ fixed invalid icon display in lovelace button cards
+ fixed crash in firebase notification when invalid color was set

Version 1.2.9
Release date: 19 February 2019
+ Picture entity card: hide header if show_name && show_state are false
+ NEW: Lovelace thermostat card support

Release date: 18 February 2019
+ NEW: Lovelace sensor card support
+ NEW: added ability to switch on / off groups (states ui only)
+ fixed issue while setup when entering spaces after IP address
+ change button text from “OK” to “Continue” while setup
+ fixed shopping list rendering glitch
+ update lovelace light UI card
+ WEAR: force updating the credentials on the watch

Release date: 16 February 2019
+ fixed application crash

Release date: 15 February 2019
+ NEW: NFC MQTT reader (read and send NFC tags to Home Assistant)
+ fixed crash when icon / picture / camera images are GIF

Release date: 14 February 2019
+ fixed crash when enabling firebase notification
+ fixed shopping list display when using dark UI
+ fixed clear button display on shopping list
+ fixed UI display issue when showing HA notifications
+ support for lovelace view background
+ fixed inconsistent text size for climate / badges views
+ show sensor value instead of icon in badges
+ lovelace show conditional cards(it will always show the card from conditional)

Release date: 12 February 2019
+ fixed crash when using web ui mode
+ new Android Wear of displaying the entities

Release date: 11 February 2019
+ added norvegian localization
+ fix issue with duplicate badges in states UI mode

Release date: 7 February 2019
+ the setup process has been refactored (much easier setup)
+ fix display issue with entity-filter card
+ some refactoring of the code
+ revert zoom “fix” for IFrame lovelace cards
+ make horizontal-stack cards act as horizontal

Release date: 6 February 2019
+ NEW: Developer Tools services
+ Horizontal-Stack lovelace card: show items at half width if multiple items
+ do not restart the app if orientation changed

Release date: 5 February 2019
+ added sensors as badges in states UI
+ enable zoom controls in Lovelace IFrame cards
+ fix dark sky rendering issues when using dark themes
+ update romanian translation
+ support for weather lovelace card

Version 1.2.8
Release date: 4 February 2019
+ add posibility to create persistent notifications
+ small UI changes regarding RTL
+ updated polish translation
+ Dark Sky card UI change when using black theme
+ fixed crash when showing camera fullscreen in glance cards

Release date: 1 February 2019
+ fixed invalid URL for connection
+ add support for binary sensor icons

Release date: 1 February 2019
+ added support for lovelace horizontal cards
+ fix title display for lovelace Gauge card
+ make entity-button lovelace card smaller
+ change notification name from FCM notification to Push Notifications
+ change Ariela Notification channel to “On-Going Notification”
+ support for custom icons in glance cards
+ support for custom names in glance cards
+ support for hiding status of entities in glance cards
+ support for camera_image tag in picture entity card (lovelace)

Release date: 31 January 2019
+ NEW: add support for water heater entities
+ add possibility to change number of columns on which cards can be shown
+ add possibility to edit entity picture
+ added instruction message when enabling debug mode
+ show advanced entity dialog when long pressing lovelace light card
+ toggle light entity when clicking on the light image from lovelace light card
+ add scroll view on server configuration in order to properly display all items on devices with lower resolution

Release date: 30 January 2019
+ added possibility to edit entity name & icon
+ add ability to edit name & icon for tabs (non lovelace mode)
+ do not show keyboard when entering shopping activity
+ shopping activity UI improvements
+ fixed light lovelace card issue (it was clickable outside its display)
+ allow sending empty alarm codes

Release date: 29 January 2019
+ added shopping list in the left menu
+ added notifications support
+ fixed picture glance tint icon issue
+ fixed crash when entering vacuum advanced dialog

Release date: 28 January 2019
+ NEW: added vacuum entities support
+ fixed issue when display gauge card
+ fixed media player buttons UI display
+ fixed entity button card display & update issue
+ fixed light panel brightness update
+ fixed advanced dialog display issue for lights entities
+ fixed crash when clicking picture glance card

Release date: 27 January 2019
+ faster icons loading after first install
+ UI / entities changes should be more stable now
+ other fixes
+ better shopping card stability
+ better UI functionality

Version 1.2.7
Release date: 23 January 2019
+ added support for input number view
+ fix issue when brightness of lights is set with delay
+ update image for glance entities
+ support groups in card entities
+ fixed crash when freeing MQTT call sensor

Release date: 22 January 2019
+ fixed issue when trying to connect with local IP on wrong wifi network
+ scroll badges name if too long
+ scroll server URL in navigation drawer if its too long
+ added entity button lovelace card
+ use “execute” text when having script view
+ trigger scenes from widgets

Release date: 21 January 2019
+ fixed crash when entering advance option in lights
+ fixed climate text alignment
+ improvements when rendering lovelace cards
+ add support for unconfigured lovelace views (no title, not path, no image etc)
+ do not show friendly name in media player views
+ show full screen preview when pressing camera badge

Release date: 20 January 2019
+ better stability for switch entities (flickering should be removed)
+ refresh switch status in advance dialog
+ add support for web links when an entity provide it (ex: update available entity)
+ show sensors values & unit of measurement in badges
+ small tabs UI changes
+ add support for effect list in lights
+ fix issue when brightness control appear for non light entities
+ add support for color temperature

Release date: 19 January 2019
+ fixed two factor auth issue in web login
+ small thermostat UI changes
+ small tabs UI changes

Release date: 18 January 2019
+ tabs now support icons
+ fixed invalid redirect id while setup
+ do not show media players that are hidden
+ added italian localization
+ added VR MQTT support (can send voice commands from phone to HA)
+ clear alarm code text when arming / disarming

Release date: 17 January 2019
+ removed device admin (the screen can’t be turned off anymore)
+ added support for input_text view
+ small changes in Android Wear

Release date: 15 January 2019
+ added mqtt screen switch setup info
+ at setup if using https and no port specified, use 443
+ added mqtt apps sensor setup info + script example of running kodi
+ fix setup issue when using web login

Release date: 14 January 2019
+ added apps mqtt sensor (ability to view phone installed apps)
+ added application start ability (now you can use HA to start a phone from app)
+ input_select view UI changes
+ revert mqtt sensors to use json_attributes instead of json_attributes_topic
+ added full screen option (Kiosk mode)

Release date: 13 January 2019
+ MQTT Screen switch (ability to sleep / wake up device)
+ support for new json_attributes_topic MQTT (HA version 0.85 and higher)
+ handle SSL in web ui mode
+ make picture glance elements more visible
+ small other fixes

Release date: 10 January 2019
+ added humidity MQTT sensor
+ small connection issue fixes

Release date: 08 January 2019
+ added Bluetooth MQTT sensor

Release date: 07 January 2019
+ fixed setup issue when configured with Wi-Fi off
+ added possibility to mute media player
+ added possibility to select source in media player
+ added possibility to select sound mode in media player
+ added possibility to set media player volume
+ fixed white screen when using web login on SSL connection
+ small UI changes

Release date: 07 January 2019
+ show only lovelace badges from configuration
+ fixed issue when lovelace view without title is not showed
+ fixed Wi-Fi MQTT sensor configuration
+ small other fixes
+ small UI change to camera view

Release date: 06 January 2019
+ added keep screen on option (useful if you want to prevent screen off while Ariela is running)
+ fixed Wi-Fi MQTT setup instruction issue
+ fixed crash while updating the widgets

Release date: 04 January 2019
+ fixed issue with covers open / close
+ fixed RGB color set to light
+ removed token authentication (now you can directly login with username and password)
+ fixed setup issue when the server ip is not correctly formatted

Release date: 03 January 2019
+ added shopping-list support
+ minor UI changes
+ added ambient temperature MQTT sensor
+ added pressure MQTT sensor
+ fixed issue when input date & time advanced dialog didn’t update

Release date: 02 January 2019
+ added support for input_datetime entities
+ show full screen capture of camera entities while clicking
+ small other fixes

Release date: 29 December 2018
+ added possibility to push MQTT packets
+ fixed Lovelace cards alphabetical order
+ fixed issue with autoreconnect function not working
+ fixed issue with Wi-Fi device tracker incorrect reports
+ fixed crashes when enabling MQTT Call sensor
+ other fixes

Version 1.2.5
Release date: 27 December 2018
+ ability to use build in Home Assistant MQTT data (no need to setup MQTT in Ariela anymore)
+ better MQTT stability
+ due to Google new policy, the MQTT SMS sender addon was removed
more details about why SMS addon was removed you can find here

Release date: 21 December 2018
+ added SMS sender capability (you can use Home Assistant to send SMS from your phone)
+ fixed crash when enabling Device tracking
+ fixed crash of MQTT enabling
+ adding customizable MQTT discovery option
+ put previous values in MQTT setup screen

Release date: 20 December 2018
+ added call info MQTT sensor
+ allowing MQTT connection without a username and password
+ add more info button to trigger MQTT sensor instructions dialog
+ fixed automatic reconnection issue regression
+ added clear current config for external server access button
+ added button to copy MQTT sensors instructions to phone memory + small UI changes

Release date: 19 December 2018
+ fix thermostat UI issue when using dark theme
+ added icons to MQTT sensors
+ added Wi-Fi MQTT sensor
+ send MQTT sensors information every 10 seconds

Release date: 18 December 2018
+ fixed issue when adding home wifi networks ( from Ariela Settings)
+ MQTT sensors are now discoverable by HA
+ small other issues fixed

Release date: 17 December 2018
+ fixed issue with climate widget not working
+ when clicking a script widget, the script will start
+ fixed issue when lovelace view title is not set
+ graph for luminance sensors
+ added MQTT client with battery / light / step counter sensors support

Release date: 16 December 2018
What’s new:
+ add possibility to have Ariela run in background

Release date: 14 December 2018
What’s new:
+ added support for Light lovelace card
+ fix issue with default view when using lovelace UI
+ small other fixes

Release date: 13 December 2018
What’s new:
+ support for Home Assistant 0.84 (retrieving lovelace config using new api)
+ added lovelace alarm panel card support
+ added lovelace badges support
+ minor UI changes

Release date: 12 December 2018
What’s new:
+ added support for ZWAVE entities
+ fixed incorrect input_slider display
+ added support for binary sensors
+ picture-glance: added support for camera_image

Version 1.2.4
Release date: 11 December 2018
What’s new:
+ reduced minimum supported version to Android 4.1
+ fixed issue with displaying temperature
+ fixed crash when showing charts

Release date: 10 December 2018
What’s new:
+ fixed startup crash
+ fixed crash of map viewer on Android P
+ added support for lovelace media control card
+ added support for tablets

Release date: 10 December 2018
What’s new:
+ fixed android P connection issue (application failed to connect to HA server)
+ added possibility to skip server detection while setup
+ fixed connectivity issue for SSL based setup
+ fixed issue when the HA server contained over 200 entities
+ other fixes

Release date: 7 December 2018
What’s new:

+ fixed charts show issue
+ added purple theme
+ some other issue fixed

Release date: 6 December 2018
What’s new:
+ more UI changes
+ added entity charts
+ lovelace cards that are not supported are treated like entities cards

Release date: 5 December 2018
What’s new:
+ theme support
+ fixed some UI glitches
+ fixed climate details issue

Release date: 4 December 2018
What’s new:
+ user management support (delete, edit, add etc)
+ Android P target
+ small UI changes

Release date: 3 December 2018
What’s new:
+ added lovelace entity-filter card support
+ added Wi-Fi Device tracker only
+ fixed other issues

Version 1.2.3
Release date: 26 November 2018
What’s new:
+ added Lovelace IFrame card support
+ added Lovelace Gauge card support
+ fixed crash on Android 4.4 or lower
+ added Dutch localization support
+ added entities card when running Lovelace UI
+ fixed crash in server configuration